
Short motivations

Oluwatosin Oke

Oluwatosin Oke

This website is for motivation. Expect things that will spur you to action, wake you up to run and reach your goals. SHOUT IT EVERYWHERE!

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Tosin Oke Motivation Nugget

Tosin Oke Motivation Nugget


The advert is not the product (the goods to be sold). The advert introduces the goods to be sold. The advert draws attention to the product. The marketing of the product is the goal. You may spend huge sums of money on the advert and yet fail to market the product. You may make all the noise you can and yet fail to market the product. Why ? THE MARKETING OF THE PRODUCT IS DEPENDENT ON THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT. What you are advertising is more important than the advert. A good product does not need much advertising, words will spread naturally. Let the scent of your product announce it. LET YOUR QUALITY ANNOUNCE YOU. There are goods they advertise, you try them once and you swear never to touch them again. Why ? The product did not match the noise made. YOU ARE THE PRODUCT, BECOME THE QUALITY PEOPLE DESIRE BEFORE YOU ADVERTISE. Some goods need no advertisement, they are too good. THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT IS THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT. My motivation is meant to turn you to a product that needs little or no advertisement. You need to hear more..... 

Tosin Oke

Global Motivation Speed




Congratulations if you are already rich. I rejoice with you. You, my reader, might be holed up in a small income bracket and wish to move up, at least earn your first million or millions. Here are some tips that can help you. Try the following steps. 1. Adjust your reasoning. If you think poor, you will live poor. THE FIRST STEP TO MOVING UP IS THINKING UP. You might not have the millions yet, do not also go and do any bad thing to get it, this is not meant for that. Stay calm first and start thinking the possibility of becoming a millionaire. Desperation is not the key here, it will ruin you eventually. Say to yourself, "I can be a millionaire". 2. Check what you are doing and ask yourself, "how can I improve on my job to reach my goal". This is where the work is. The way some people handle their business or profession hinders the growth of the business. All professions have the ability to deliver millions to you if you can harness the potentials in them. Some research and adjustments here and there might do the job. Examples : quality adjustment, character adjustment, location adjustment and going for higher income bracket customers or clients. 3. Turn your profits to investments. Take portions of your profits or income and ask, "how can i recycle it to make more money ? "  MONEY CAN BREED MONEY IF YOU HANDLE IT RIGHT. Cut out unnecessary waste as a starter, it can drain your resources. Wait until you have enough before embarking on positive  enjoyment. 4. Help others too, but do it wisely. The millions you need is in people's hands, if you can't build goodwill by being kind, loving and caring, success will be difficult for you. Business thrives on goodwill. Go for it ! 

There are more steps you may also take. Motivation is an industry you must take full advantage of ; we break down success principles for your digest. WE MOVE YOU ! 

Tosin Oke

Global Motivation Speed





Success, fulfilment and achievement are destinations you must reach. That is the mindset of a gold medalist. Where you are is the starting point, where you are going is the destination. To get there, you must cover the distance. This is where many fail, they have no idea how to cover the distance. This is where I come in as a motivation expert; to show you the way. Some destinations will take a while for you to arrive, others might not; depending  on how grandiose your dreams are and how far you are from the finishing line, your destination. Many never arrive. If you have shoulders to climb on, makes the journey quick, it is like travelling in a high speed jet, you arrive fast. Unfortunately, not all have the luxury of such, thus you must find your own way. What you lack in terms of transportation, you must find. What you can't find, you create. A few tips.

1. Get out of the house, go acquire skills or education. You are covering the distance.

2. Dig up everything you can about your dreams and visions and master them. You are covering the distance.

3. Put your skills to work. Get noticed. You are covering the distance.

4. Without people and the right people in your life (connections), you are getting nowhere. Identify the kind of people you need to get there and go for them. Ensure they are good people.  You are covering the distance. 

5. If you fail in people skill, you will crash on the way. Isolating the good from the bad and going for the good is a skill you must possess. It might take a while for the right connection to notice you or come your way; never mind, keep going. There is someone out there whose connection to you will catapult you to your destination, don't miss them with your bad character. You are covering the distance. 

6. The right connection is a key in covering the distance. If you lack it, create it. How ? Develop good social skills. 

7. Kind words, quality job, caring for people, giving gifts, being positively social, being a promise keeper, etc, can speed up the journey. Lacking them can slow down the journey.

8. Nobody jumps to a destination. You don't jump up the ladder, you climb the ladder. Give yourself time to achieve. 

9. Your transportation are: your skills (sharpen it, be good at what you do), your good nature (adjust), your positively reaching out to people (use all opportunities available to promote your work or business), rewarding those who help you (taking people for granted will destroy you fast) and your hard work. 

10. Every opportunity you get to show what you have, give the best, you never can tell. Opportunities often come as something good you must do, don't miss it. Always give your best, no matter how insignificant the work appears. 

The world is an ocean filled with all manner of fishes. If you fish long enough and well enough, you will catch a big shark (fulfilment and success). It all depends on the size of your net, your persistence and your wisdom. Big fishes don't jump out of the water to land on your table on their own, you go for them. 


Tosin Oke

Global Motivation Speed





Physical appearance is good, you must meet the taste of the man you want. If you stop there (physical appearance), you will eventually fade before him. The eighteen colours below will make you radiant and beautiful always. Before mentioning those colours, let me first advice you not to fake whatever you are not; it is always a bad foundation in relationship and marriage. The truth will eventually come out one day and you will have to resort to charms, spells and portions to keep your man, what no woman should attempt. No point forcing it if you are not it, become it and live it. Some pretend to have when they don't, they are faking it. Some pretend to love when they don't, they are faking it. Some pretend to be humble and gentle when they are not, they are faking it. Some even try to act born-again for born-again persons, they are faking it. If you are not born-again and the man you want is born-again, walk away. You like clubbing, drinking, dancing, etc, find your taste. Be real. Some pretend to be courteous when they are not, they are faking it. Some pretend to cover up in dressing when they are actually 'nude models' by nature, they are faking it, etc. DON'T FAKE IT, IT WILL END IN DISASTER. Proximity and rapport will eventually strip you of your facade (window dressing: a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant). Deep hatred will follow, a reason for many break-ups, divorce and murder. If a man does not want you, don't force it. You know how you treat fake products. You know the anger that burn in you when you discover what you bought was fake. This is a reason why many people make no headway in life, what they say is different from who they are. People will always discover and avoid you. Never let people label you as fake, it is bad PR for business and life. If you need help, ask. Don't pretend to have what you don't have. I am a very straight person. Yes, people who don't love you might despise you, never mind, let them be. Best to wait for those who truly appreciate you. IF YOU FAKE IT, YOU WILL END UP WITH FAKE FRIENDS. 

To be beautiful inside and outside, add these colours to your life. Remember, I am writing to real women, especially singles. 

1. Openness and sincerity. 

2. Integrity and faithfulness. Let your words always match your actions.

3. Ability to keep secrets.

4. Cleanliness in and out.

5. A Caring disposition.

6. Don't double date. 

7. You love him; show him, tell him.

8. Always seek the best for him.

9. Don't gossip him.

10. Don't reduce him before your friends.

11. Don't prefer your friends above him.

12. Work and contribute to his needs.

13. Buy him gifts too. 

14. Arrange specially made meals for you and him once in a while. 

15. Always look good for him to the best of your ability.

16. Love what or who he loves and cherish what he cherishes.

17. Always be there for him. Communication and empathy are winners. Listening ears and caring hearts cannot be despised.

18. As you move together, be willing to make positive adjustments for the good of you both. Throw stubbornness away and be humble. 

No good man will despise these colours. 

Tosin Oke

Global Motivation Speed 





That is a big word. A word i can't fully dig into in this short piece for obvious reasons. It will take a whole book to really analyse the topic. Fortunately, there are many books on the subject of various forms of investment. We all have different areas of specialisation, the world of investment requires specific expertise and professionalism in the relevant fields. People spend years in higher institutions to learn and master these fields. I can motivate you to invest, but it will take experts in that field to put you through. No single person can know it all, you will always need the help of others.  Let me speak of investment from a motivational point of view; my own area of expertise. 

Life is all about investment, the size of your investment determines the size of your returns. When you go to school, you are investing. When you learn a skill or master a business, you are investing. When you study and develop your mind, you are investing. When you build a good social network of good friends and associates, you are investing. When you are kind, you are investing. When you go out of your way to help others, you are investing. When you learn good communication skills and attract friends, you are investing. These are basic life investment anyone can do, does not require much money. They will eventually bring their returns. Yes, if you also do the opposite, you are also investing. The return of poverty and lack will also follow. Today's food is the product of yesterday's investment. Those are the foundation things for a great life. To really be comfortable in life, you need to go beyond salary to investment. Well, some salaries can keep you very comfortable for the rest of your life, especially if you are high up in government and in certain blue chip companies. Unfortunately, only less than 1% of the world's population have access to such juicy positions and offices. Earning a 6, 7, 8....figure salary each month is not something easily accessible to most. Some annual income of very few lucky individuals can feed an entire extended family for 20yrs. Someone's monthly earn is the equivalent of the total income of another for 10yrs. Since not all have access to such financial luxury that does not require any stress to live comfortable and well, the next option is to go for investment. This is available to all who can find their way within the world of investment and not become victims of fraudsters. There are several areas of investment possibilities : real estate, education, stocks and shares, publishing, trading, entertainment, fashion, oil and gas, telecommunications, the Internet, construction, tourism, manufacturing, transportation, etc. Anybody can venture into these fields provided you know what to do. You can always start with what you have and move up the ladder. This is where information and enlightenment is needed. I can't teach you financial instruments since I have never been a banker. I can motivate you to invest, but you must go ahead to learn investment from those in that field. You don't even need to leave your house to learn and transact, once your phone can go online and you can access websites, you are good to go. See, too easy. Just beware of online fraudsters and fake websites. Need books to read on many subjects and educate yourself, go here. I really wish banks will employ investment experts, set up customer friendly desks for them in the banking hall, where customers can walk in, get investment advice and transact immediately, instead of leaving money lying idle in the account. Why did I say this ? I once mailed one of my banks for investment advice and I never got a response. I had a small amount of money (quite small) with them I didn't require immediately and needed advice how i can invest it in that same bank. No reply ever came till date. The management probably didn't see the mail, the staff managing mails might not know about investment and probably ignored the mail. Fortunately, some financial institutions and businesses  have investment page on their websites (do business with us). I hope others can do same and make it detailed, some are too vague. 

Let me motivate you. Many have money sitting in their accounts doing nothing there but daily losing value, those money, properly invested, can lift them higher financially. You sit, your money work for you and you earn returns for many years. You can get multiples of the original amount over a short or long period of time. Investment will reduce your urge for loans (too common in my country) if you go in the right investment direction. I live and write from Nigeria. Recently, the Central Bank of Nigeria complained of scarcity of funds in banks due to many people keeping lots of money at home and other places to hide them. Lots of video evidence later surfaced showing large amounts of money getting spoiled and rotten in containers, cellophane, underground, etc. These secrets began to come out when the Central Bank decided to change the currency. People began to dig up their money, many were already decaying. Meanwhile, many corporate bodies and businesses are owing banks trillions in unpaid loans since they must have capital to run their business. All these capital are available in people's secret money dens and bank accounts. The solution to this is simple, set up investment packages for people, educate them about it, create easy channels of investment and returns and your need for constant loans will reduce. Whenever we hear of fire disasters in the country, we hear figures in millions burnt in people's shops and homes. What a waste ! Meanwhile, some businesses are dying for lack of capital. The problem is lack of education about investment. Most people don't know their money can work for them. All they know is, get it and hide it. This must change. Why don't you use this short motivation to wake up others. Let's Talk. 

Tosin Oke

Global Motivation Speed 





There are divers principles of success. Principles, in relation to success, are basic standards that must be conformed to or laws that must be obeyed for you to succeed. Your conformity or non conformity to these standards or rules, will, to a large extent, determine whether you will succeed in life or not. Determination is just one of these principles. You must conform to the other laws (principles of success) for you to succeed in life. Walking by these principles is like transportation from one destination to another. If you don't walk by them, you are arriving nowhere, no matter how determined you are. MANY DETERMINED PEOPLE DIED WITHOUT ARRIVING. THEY WERE DETERMINED, BUT MISSED OPPORTUNITIES. The importance of determination as a principle of success is that it will help you to keep moving, a major key to success. It is the "keep going no matter what". DETERMINATION IS THE MOMENTUM, OPPORTUNITY IS THE DOOR OPENER. Unfortunately, many have no determination, they are just lazying about. In your journey to success, there are things you have control over and things you have no control over. The fact of life is that not all things are under your control, simply because, success is an interplay of several variables and constant that recognises the input of others that you cannot control. Let me briefly summarise that point. You want a job, applying for the job is under your control. Dressing up to go for interview is under your control. Answering the questions is under your control. Your hands, legs, mouth and mind are all yours to control. You determine what they say or do. Those are the constants (always there). That makes only 50% of all you need to get the job (success). The rest 50% are not under your control. The job is not yours, it belongs to others. The company is not yours. You have no control over the management and you cannot control their decision. Those are the variables, they might or might not give you the job. The job is the big opportunity you are looking for, the contract or opening is the big opportunity you are looking for. The connection is the big opportunity you are looking for, etc. As a starter, you will need the help of others to get those opportunities. 

OPPORTUNITY [n.]: Fit or convenient time; a time or place favorable for executing a purpose; a suitable combination of conditions; suitable occasion; chance. 

You don't control time, favorable condition or combination of such condition. Occassions and incidents are not yours to control too. All these are called opportunities. Those who have risen in life with vast connection and structure can create opportunities they want. One phone call and they have them in place, not for you still struggling to rise. To help yourself, there are good things you can do to catch opportunities that often come your way unannounced but which many miss. Yes, the beautiful thing about life is that opportunities always come our ways, but often unannounced and in ways you might not recognise, therefore, many miss the very same opportunities they have been longing for. The sad thing is this, no matter how determined you are, or how prepared you are ; if you don't know how to catch opportunities, you will never succeed in life. Opportunities can come as persons you either know or don't know, jobs you like or don't like, casual requests for help, bearing an insult, helping others, going on errands, apparently insignificant open doors that many despise, an advice you give and in countless many other ways nobody can predict. OPPORTUNITY IS A MYSTERY NOBODY HAS FULL CONTROL OVER. Since without these opportunities, you are heading nowhere, you must follow certain basic rules that will help you lay hold on opportunities anyhow they come. I can't exhaust those rules here; ensure you buy my books and other materials when released and also attend my motivational talks wherever they hold. To invite me for motivational and success talk, go here 

As an appetizer, a major rule to laying hold on opportunities is reciprocating good gestures. This is where many fail. Always return phone calls, you never can tell. Always reply messages and greetings, you never can tell. Also respect and respond to comments on your social media pages, you never can tell. Always reply mails, you never can tell. Smile back when smiled at. Always return people's visits, you never can tell. Don't wait for others to reach out to you, always be the first to reach out to others. Many have that bad character, they sit and wait for others to come. They might wait forever. Respond positively whenever people reach out to you. Many have missed coded opportunities simply because they ignore people. A simple "thank you" can open doors for you. One phone call of gratitude can open doors for you. Honour invitations you can. Give back to those who give to you. Avoid the parasite mindset, always sucking others and not giving anything in return. People kill parasites and open their door for friends who show kindness and offer help. Make a list of people who have ever given you things or have been kind to you and start giving back whatever you can afford in return. That is a major key to open doors for more. A simple question of common sense; assuming you are asked to recommend a person for a job or you need a person to help you fix a certain thing that requires good attention you can rely on, it will cost you some good money, who do you think you will naturally go for ? A person that ignores people and has parasitic character or a person who will always respond to you and ready to give back to you?  The answer is obvious. 

Tosin Oke

Global Motivation Speed 





Let me summarise this short motivation in one big sentence, 


Best you read my previous " Catch That Opportunity " before proceeding, it will help you understand this one. The previous one is a foundation for this one. Of course, they are not exhaustive, but you can still apply the few points for your own good. Best you buy my books and other materials when they are released for sale. No matter your level in life, there are some easy steps you can take to create opportunities for yourself. It all depends on the vision you have and your skill or abilities you want to promote. Many sit for years and decades waiting for the big break to come, while others are looking for the connection and structures others have to get up in life. Some connections might help, others might destroy you. Not everybody like helping others. You must be wise. I really wish good connections will come your way. There are several opportunity creating shows on television : talent hunt, cooking competition, show your skills, etc. I understand they are all for free. We also have trade fairs where people come and show their skills and trade to announce their expertise and attract patronage. Those are all good things you can take advantage of to get opportunities to rise. Those are actually not my focus here, though I have no problem with such. 

I want us to look at some things you can do on your own to create opportunities for yourself instead of just sitting idle waiting for the big break to come your way. Many of you hold birthday parties once in a while, all you do is eat, drink and dance away your money. You can use that to create opportunities for yourself. You can sing, yet you pay DJs to come play at your party. Set up your own stand and sing at your own party for opportunity sake. Some hold festive celebrations. Those who belong to one group, association or the other hold special gatherings once in a while. Some of you have various joints you visit to relax and unwind with others. Football viewing centers abound where you pay to watch soccer with others. You go to stadiums to watch shows, you attend parties and family gatherings. You have community gatherings where you are one of the executives. You go to wedding ceremonies and other social functions. The list is endless. You can use these gatherings to create opportunities for yourself. Just show your skills in any of such gathering to draw attention to it. You can sing, Take your guitar or keyboard to such gatherings, ask permission to sing one or two songs and give it your best shot. You are creating opportunities. As a caterer looking for contracts and catering jobs, why don't you prepare a few plates of delicious food, packaged with your label and logo on it and share amongst the key figures in such gatherings if you cannot afford serving everybody. The adverts you watch on TV and hear on radio were paid for by those promoting themselves and their business, they got to you and you began to patronise them. They spent and sacrificed to become known. If you are not ready to spend to launch or announce yourself, forget it ! What you spend in personal promotion is called investment to create opportunities. YOU SPEND NOTHING, YOU GET NOTHING. You might not have money for TV or radio adverts, I am teaching you basic steps you can take within your limited resources to create your own opportunities. I once held a few speaking programmes years back that made some people notice my oratorical abilities and began to invite me to speak at programmes. I had those speaking abilities, but nobody knew I had them. I took some money i had, printed leaflets to invite people to a small venue i got freely, few people came to hear me, words spread and invitations to speak began to come. I spent my own money to create the first opportunity that produced more opportunities. Never forget this. 


You can create the first set of opportunities that will self generate more opportunities. Once you can ignite the process and it is running, the rest will be on autorun. Igniting the process of self generating opportunities is the key. Always the hardest part for many. 

Another example: Are you an event planner without much patronage, organise an event, something very simple like a motivational seminar. You won't have problem inviting someone like me who understand and can cooperate with your plan to showcase your event planning skills. Give it your best shot with your name and business logo conspicuously displayed for all to see right from the door. Hand out your business cards to all present. You must package the event well to draw attention to your planning skills. No lateness for you, keep to time, no break down of equipment, no dirty environment, no time wastage, no fighting over money, proper security in place, good setting, warm welcome, etc. Do you know how many people have the money, but are too busy to put important events together ? At certain level in life, you can't have time to rent halls, get chairs, jump here and there to set up important events, you simply contract them out to those who can. They need those they can trust to set up events they need. They will pay. Business people in foreign countries needing business meetings in other countries can use your paid servives if you are good. Corporate bodies do such too. Some of such contracts can turn you to a millionaire. It all starts by you creating the first opportunity that will ignite other opportunities. You will do the initial spending as an investment. Once the word begins to spread that you are good, the father and mother of opportunities are in place, the rest will be on autorun. 

Fuel your car (be good at what you do) and turn the ignition (find ways to create your own opportunities) and your car is on course to your destination. 

Tosin Oke

Global Motivation Speed 

Tosin Oke Wisdom Nugget

Tosin Oke Wisdom Nugget





A person alone is limited to his or her own abilities, exposures, views, ideas, skill, insight, connection, finance and business. He or she will only go as far as being alone can take them, which cannot be far. Assuming there is no television, radio or Internet, you will be limited to only the things you see around you. You will be cut off from the rest of the world. That gives you an idea of what I am motivating you about. Isolation is suicide. You have no network of good friends, good associates, people you jump around together, people who call you and you can call at any time and they will pick your call; you have no network of like minded people, even those with diverse views and visions, you move with and relate with, you have zero or minimal social life, if this is your life, all your plans and visions will die with you. You just said, "well, I have the Internet and social media, I will sit in my house and make friends online ". Good, but far from the one on one, direct contact to direct contact I write about. Online friends are virtual friends. Real friends sit and talk face to face. If your online activities are not translating to that, you are wasting your time. The first persons people will remember when they need services are those they know on a person to person basis. Since you have been chatting with strange people online for years, how many have invited you over for dinner ? how many came over to see you when you were lying sick on the hospital bed ? how many of them have sent you money to eat ? how many of those whose social media pages you view and who see your likes, have ever purchased a ticket and flew down from their country just to see you ? Find out very well, all their contracts went to their real face to face friends, they just used you online to gather traffic to boost their income. Go out and make your own friends. That is a major step to rising in life. I call it the real networking. People and businesses use the Internet to advertise and draw customers. Those business owners have their own person to person social groups that run things together. Yes, once in a while, real friends can grow out of social chatting (the real purpose for many of such platforms), unfortunately, most people fail to take advantage of the social media opportunities to make good friends they seek out and meet one on one. You will not always see the truth online. Criminals also abound online too, thus you must be careful. My experience about online social sites is that most people just like buying data, showing their clothes, houses, commenting here and there, watching stuffs and generally becoming traffic for some people's blogs or platforms. Full stop. They don't have the slightest interest in connecting and making real friends because they don't know the value. Those who designed it, designed it for real social networking for people to meet, connect and help one another in life; this is why they ask you to add your pictures, address, contacts, location, etc, to your profile. You are meant to become real life friends. You go through pages and decide who you want to connect to and then go out of your way to seek them out. I have attempted such on a few occasions, but the response was poor. They had no idea how to respond. Only one invited me to visit; a restaurant in my city needing more customers. 

At the end of all your noise, your real time one on one, face to face friends and colleagues are the ones that will eventually help you to become what you want to become in life, provided they are good ones. Start building that network.  Go out and seek them out. Here is an example. Nigeria, at the moment have fuel crisis, a constant in this nation for decades, queues abound at filling stations, some wait hours to get fuel. In the midst of these queues, some people either drive in or walk in casually, exchange pleasantries with the managers or petrol attendants, ignore all queues, go straight to the pump and get fuel immediately without waiting. All of you on the queue must wait until they are served. Some even get more, they don't go to the pump, they walk into the office and sit, while attendants run around to serve them, some managers even personally attend to them, yet they don't own the filling station nor pay their salaries. They simply built on the goodwill they have due to ongoing personal relationship they have with the managers and the attendants. You get my point. No matter how long the queue, you will not tell your friend, your close colleagues and associates to line up, the law of social preference will never allow it. Go for that. Start building good social network, lest you perish in isolation. 

If you move alone, you will be limited to only the very few around you. Assuming you have friends from different fields and industries: lawyers, doctors, engineers, bankers, architects, business owners, estate developers, musicians, artisans, civil servants, etc, (ensure they are good), and you go out of your way once in a while to help them out too, you will find it easy to achieve things in life. You need something, one or two of them will be in the position to fix it. As a business person, stretching in business will be easier. If you are in a position to award contracts and 50 people apply including a very close friend who is always there for you too anytime you need help, you will break protocol, if need be, to give him the contract. That is natural. The contract issue will be settled over a cup of tea. Why ? He is a friend, not just a social media face. If your company is employing, and you are the employment officer, no matter how long the list of applicants, the son of your friend who gave you the connection that landed you the job originally before you rose to that level, will naturally be your first consideration. Many go about hunting for jobs, while others simply make one phone call and the job is theirs. They had their person to person network working for them. 

As a motivational speaker and also as a careful observer, I have discovered that those who lack person to person social networking hardly go far in life. We naturally cringe from strangers and open up to friends. If you don't build your social life, you will get the reward of an hermit. You will need to either be divinely favoured, extremely skilful and talented beyond average and above others for you to beat this law. Except those within the social fold of those coming for you don't have what you have or you are just favoured by GOD, will people go over their own clique to come for you. Yes, it can happen, I have heard of such things opening opportunities for people from places and persons they don't know and have never met, but those are exceptions I will not advise you to wait for. Stand up now and go build your own good social network. 

How ? Call people, visit people, help people, invite people over for lunch, take people out to eat and relax, help people out when you can, do things for free once in a while; encourage people, attend good social functions, generally be friendly and be a good friend. Learn to smile, greet all well, be courteous, be kind and warmly, give compliments, make people happy, remember birthdays and anniversaries, respond promptly to calls for help, reciprocate kind gestures, just be good. This school seems to have some courses on this subject, check it here 

I am a motivational speaker that can move you, contact me 

Tosin Oke

Global Motivational Speed.