Opportunities are the spark, the ignition of your dreams, they catapult you to great heights if properly managed. They are the settings and chance that often come unannounced to bring you success and a fulfilment of your dreams. The mystery of opportunities is that you have no control over them, they are as elusive in calculation and mysterious in appearance. They come, they go, all on their own. Recognising and managing opportunities is fundamental to your success in this world. You will do better if you can recognise, catch good opportunities coming your way and recycle them. Be on the look out for them, for people often miss them. You have no idea how many people have thrown opportunities away through ignorance and not seeing them as such or how many opportunities fizzled away because they were not recycled. By recycling, I do not use the word in the sense of picking what is discarded as waste and trying to bring it back to original shape. If you have to start recycling a wasted opportunity, you will be too late. Recycle, in my context, is laying hold on still active opportunity and making them yield more opportunities. To do this, take note of the following points.
1. Opportunity is like an egg, it has the potential to multiply depending on management. You can either crush the egg or hatch it. Opportunity open doors for you, spot the persons it used to open the door and stay in their goodwill. Throwing away key players in the opportunities that came your way can quench the breeding capacity of opportunities. Many have made such mistakes. Once they got what they wanted, they are gone, never looking back. You must never forget that majority of people in this world are only looking out for themselves; only few people will genuinely go out of their way to make things work for you, even at their own expense; such people are rare. Cherish such people, you might not have such in a long time to come. One thing enemies do is to drive helpers away, don't become your own enemy.
2. Keep popping the corn. Look at the opportunity and see how you can harness its potentials for more opportunities. Give that chance your best shot. Arrive on time, make the goods available in the best condition, appear well without faking it, do what you are told to do in the best way possible that they will always come back for you, be positive, be good, ensure you make everyone happy and satisfied in a good way; that opportunity have the chance of living and breeding more. If you have any bad character that drives opportunity away from you, best you advice it to stop. What have you been consistently doing as bad character, over the years, that have kept you at the same spot; best you identify it and get rid of it. Stop the attitude of using people and discarding them in a selfish manner, word will spread and you know what that means. It will also come back to haunt you too.
3. Don't be desperate, don't act desperate. Desperate people scare others away. Desperation will make you tell lies, overreact, deceive, fake it, stress others or even kill. All these will kill opportunities very fast. Just be yourself and be at rest.
4. One way to ensure opportunities keep coming for you is to also create opportunities for others, as you do so, your own opportunities will breed for you. Simple step. Look at a person that is good and consider how you can help in their chosen field of endeavor; do what you can to help them; create the chance they need that is at your disposal, it will also somehow work for you.
Firstly, there are those who never rise. Secondly, there are those who rise for a while and then crash, not to rise again. Thirdly, there are those who rise and keep rising. Be in the third group.
(C) Tosin Oke
Here are a few tips on how you can be a better person and radiate a good character irrespective of the bad character others display. Others may be bad, but be good. Let's try to make this world a better place. A few things you may live by to make you good.
1. Before doing anything to anybody, ask first, What if they do same to me, how will it feel ? If it will hurt you, then don't do it. Try practicing it and within a short time, you will see yourself refrain from many bad things you would have done.
2. Consider the long term negative impact what you are about to do will have, not only on those you want to do it too, but also the chain effect on others. The reason is this, every good or bad done will always go beyond the initial receiver of the deed to extend to others. Example : You steal someone's money, his or her dependants will be denied of what they would have got. Stories go round, you are labelled, those who may have the opportunity to hit you back will target you or your dependants in retaliation; the chain effect is in motion spreading to others, most innocent. I have, over the years, observed that there is no act of good or bad that does not create a chain effect that will touch others or lead to other things. The chain effects might not show up in the immediate, might be in the long term, but it will always spread to others. You teach a child bad or good stuffs, he or she will teach others and they will teach others....whatever you taught the child is then passed on. This is how traditions were passed on from generation to generation. Someone in power and position started a practice centuries ago that the subjects must also follow, whether good or bad. It became a routine, got passed on from offsprings to offsprings and tradition was established. Some tribes in Nigeria, in spite of education and exposure, still do new yam festival every year and even become a public holiday, just to celebrate yam. Someone in power started it centuries ago probably for a reason; maybe to encourage farming, etc. You get my point. Before you do it, consider the chain effect for good or bad. You never can tell where it will lead. If you insult a mother, she tells her kids and generational hatred begins. You hurt a man, he tells his friends and relatives and family hatred start. This is how many ethnic and societal bitterness and war started. The law of reciprocity is also real. Any stone you throw at others will always come back to you or your offsprings. You see, good has a way of coming back, though might take a while, probably years, likewise bad too. Best to always do good.
3. Determine to be kind. Discard all vulgar and swear words. Remove all insults and begin to smile and speak sweet to others. Be courteous always, caring in your approach.
4. Throw away all selfishness. Always be willing to offer help according to your ability. Don't wait to be asked.
5. Recognise the fact that you will always encounter nasty and bad character in people, that is the world for you. Therefore, always take it in your stride and move on. Never let that affect your being good. You may want to avoid the deliberately troublesome ones.
6. When others are good to you, always consider being good to them in return. Always reciprocate kind gestures. That does not seem common in the world, be different. Start thinking, "all those who have been good to me, what good have I done to them in return ?". Now go and start reciprocating.
7. Keep your words. Don't be frivolous with promises. If you will not do it, don't promise it.
8. Once you notice you have made a mistake, quickly apologise and move on. Saying "sorry" does not hurt you, it helps you.
9. Just a caution. You will have enemies, you cannot help it. Some won't just 'dig' you, though you have not done them any harm. Keep away from them. Your being good should not make you become careless and open your life to enemies out to destroy you. Be friendly, but be wise.
10. If you cannot feel the pain of others, you laugh at death and disasters, you lack compassion, seek help, you have a problem. Too many of such in the world already, the less of such, the better.
11. Try your best to be a good father, mother, good children to your parents, good to your siblings and good to all you meet, even if you don't know them. At the market, at the train stations, airports, on the road, while shopping, everywhere you go, smile, be happy, ignore people's coarseness and be different. Offer people seats. Don't push others out of the way, let them pass and then you pass. Wait your turn at queues. Appreciate those who attend to you at counters, simple "thank you" can light up their day.
12. Are you owing and ought to pay, ensure you pay. Don't run from meeting your obligations if within your means. The habit of owing and running that many have is a bad character, throw it away. Don't deliberately use borrowing to defraud people.
13. Be faithful to those who are truly yours. Others might be unfaithful to you, don't copy them. Keep people's secrets. Be straight with people. Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no. I hope you have good spouse, good children, good siblings, good relatives, good in-laws, good friends, etc. If so, you are fortunate unlike many others. Be faithful to them. Be known as a faithful person who will never turn to stab their own in the back. Do you belong to a group or a society and they are selling out becoming unfaithful to the common good cause of the group; instead of joining them, stay your course. If they change, fine. If not, go your way. Don't join them. Don't bend because others are bending, don't turn because others are turning. Let's have more good people in this world to help make this world better. Be one of us.
14. Being good have many benefits. Health wise, you have peace of mind. You are not afraid of the law, you have not committed any crime. You have no reason to look over your shoulders. Your only watch is those who hate goodness, watch them and avoid them. You sleep well, you bear no grudge nor harbour bitterness. You make friends, not enemies. You are not afraid of retribution coming against you. Might eventually mean you live a simple life, trust me, it is far better than being bad. Above all, GOD will be happy with you and that is the most important.
(C) Tosin Oke
Are you still an adult and on your way to getting old, best you start preparing for your old age, START NOW!
Not all old age are as pleasant as many would have wished it to be. Feast your eyes on these images and begin to see them as your old age experience. Let them sink into your consciousness and direct your thoughts and actions in their direction. A miserable old age is what you should avoid by all good means. These will help.
A few tips on how to have that old age. Plan for it, build a family of love. Invest towards it, have all set for a self sufficient old age. As you grow older, relax and allow your kids care for you and run things. Relax on anger, hot temper, bad mood, etc, they drive much needed company away. Keep in touch with friends. Be kind and generous, comes back in your old age. Grumpy people reap it in their old age. Care for others while you are still young, comes back in your old age. Be active in a good group, society or good Church, you never can tell. Above all, pray for a great old age, yes, I believe in prayers. Prayers handle other things you cannot see that can deprive you of a great old age, best you start early. One of the best recipes for a great old age is caring for others; your children and others, while still young, a good foundation for a great old age.
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(C) Tosin Oke
A few ways of showing care you might want to begin to do to make your own world within your space a better world for you. I say "within your space" because you cannot change the whole world, but you can do the best you can with only the very few you have control over and who will obey you, to create an environment of love and care. I have tried this on some occassions, but have discovered that even after several explanations on why we should all love and care for one another and me proceeding to go all out of my way, even to the point of sacrificing, to display the love and care, many still don't get it. To some, showing care makes them believe you are a vulnerable person "or why else is he helping people, he must have a weakness" they seem to reason. This world has fast become very brutal, only a few still tend to want to have a semblance of caring feelings. Only that few still make this world worth living in. Well, within your own space, practice caring for people and wish they reciprocate since many have no idea how to do so. This present population of the world seems strange to me.
I have discovered caring is therapeutic, I feel warm and rereshed when I perform acts of care; there is a soothing feeling that comes with it, anger and bitterness weigh you down and gives you uneasy feeling, but caring for others gives you a good feeling, you are happy and sleep well. Try it. I actually prefer to care, it is better than hatred. Try eating alone compared to sitting at dining with others and enjoying meals together in an atmosphere of friendliness, laughter and joy. You will agree the latter is better. No meal is as sweet as the one you eat with others, even if a simple meal. Imagine having a huge mansion filled with all good things and lots of money, cars and good food, yet only you live there. No spouse, no kids, no friends, no one to talk or share with. You go out clubbing, spending spree and come back to a quiet house with no one. How does that sound ? Madness, you will agree. Good, rich life, acquired in a clean way is good if it is filled with noise and laughter of those who truly love you and you love them. I still wonder how can people be selfish in this kind of a world when making people smile and happy is one of the best therapies for both you and them. Caring is good, practice it. Here are a few caring tips.
1. Know people's names as much as you can.
2. Note those who truly cherish you and not out to play, deceive or take advantage of you and care for them.
3. Give attention to those who truly and sincerely call for it.
4. Be ready to share with those who truly deserve it.
5. Take note of the lonely and care for them.
6. Show empathy.
7. Avoid vulgarity, always be nice and polite, even while driving on the road.
8. Be generous with "how are you doing ? hope you are okay ? is everything alright ? how can I be of help ? etc."
9. Pick your calls whenever you can and always return both received and missed calls. Stop ignoring people.
10. Find time for those who wish to pour out their hearts to you, listen to them and also keep their secrets.
11. Give to the needy to the best of your ability. Never wait to be asked before helping others. Give in a dignifying manner. Don't treat people like beggars. True care does not wait to be asked.
12. Create warmth all around you, keep smiling always.
13. Learn to forgive, mistakes happen, forgiveness cement relationships.
14. Always reciprocate kind gestures. It enhances mutual care and bonding.
15. Never foster strife or quarrel.
16. To the best of your ability, ensure the lonely have company, arrange good, faithful and trustworthy live in help for the elderly. Never allow the elderly lack good, caring and comforting company. Be their good company where able.
17. Always remember birthdays and anniversaries, give gifts when able.
18. Distance yourself from the brutality in this world and keep your character free from societal contamination. Be caring, be different. Be the odd one (though the good one).
19. Be a person known to be good and loving both in manner and in deeds.
20. You cannot satisfy all, just do your best and avoid those out to take advantage of your caring nature to deceive or defraud you.
Start practicing all these and with time it becomes your nature. Create your own world of love and care in your own best interest. Only few might positively respond, it is still better than strife and bitterness.
(C) Copyright Tosin Oke
Global Motivation
I like colours, they are good. They make me feel cool. A colourful interior in every part of the house can be helpful in so many ways. Let's learn from something I dug up online. Read below
Color Therapy Types, Techniques, and Benefits
By Toketemu Ohwovoriole
Updated on January 12, 2024
Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD
Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a form of therapy that uses color and light to treat certain mental and physical health conditions. We can trace this form of therapy back to the ancient Egyptians. They made use of sun-filled rooms with colored glasses for therapeutic purposes.
Although color therapy has gained some popularity over the years, it’s still not a widely accepted form of therapy in Western medicine. Many medical experts consider it to be pseudoscience or quackery.1
While color psychology is the study of how different colors can influence human behavior and perception, color therapy is different. It is based upon the unproven assumption that certain colors can impact people's "energy" and impact health outcomes.
At some point, we’ve all experienced the ways in which color can affect us. For some people, seeing the green in nature on their daily run is an instant mood booster or they instantly feel a little better wearing a favorite yellow dress. The practice of color therapy can be traced to Indian ayurvedic medicine, which claims that the application of certain colors can correct imbalances in our body's chakras.
Types of Color Therapy
In color therapy, it is believed that different colors are able to impact the body differently.
• Red: Red is used to energize or invigorate a person who might be feeling tired or down. However, red may also trigger people who might already be tense.
• Blue: Chromatherapists use blue to try and influence depression and pain. Darker shades of blue are also thought to have sedative properties and may be tried for people who experience insomnia or other sleeping disorders.
• Green: Green is the color of nature, and according to chromatherapists, it can help relieve stress and relax a person.
• Yellow: Yellow can be used to improve your mood and make you more happy and optimistic.
• Orange: Orange, much like yellow, can be used to elicit happy emotions from people. The bright warm color is also thought to be able to stimulate appetite and mental activity.
The Color Blue: Meaning and Color Psychology
Techniques of Color Therapy
There are two major techniques of color therapy. It can either be done through sight, that is, by looking at a particular color in hopes that it elicits the desired response in your body, or by directly reflecting certain colors on parts of the body. Color therapists believe that color can enter our bodies either through our eyes or skin. Each color we can see has its wavelength and unique frequency. Each unique frequency has a different effect on people and is used for different purposes. Warm colors are typically used for stimulating effects, while cool colors are used for calming effects.
What Color Therapy Can Help With
Chromotherapy is considered a type of alternative medicine treatment. It has been purported to help with a variety of conditions, including:
• Stress
• Depression
• Aggression
• High blood pressure
• Sleep disorders
• Anxiety
• Certain cancers
• Skin infections
It is important to note that there is no significant evidence that color therapy is effective for any medical condition. According to the American Cancer Society, available scientific evidence does not support any claims that use of light or color therapy are effective in treating cancer or any other illnesses. There is currently no research to support that color therapy can solely be used as an effective treatment for any of these conditions.
Benefits of Color Therapy
Over the decades, color therapy has been purported to provide several benefits ranging from physical to mental, including:
• Stress relief: Certain colors like blue and green are thought to have soothing effects on people who are stressed or anxious.
• Boost your appetite: Warm and stimulating colors are thought to boost your appetite when you struggle with having a desire for food.
• Seasonal affective disorder: People mainly suffer from seasonal affective disorder during colder weather because of the lack of sunlight. Certain types of bright light therapy have been shown to be of benefit for this mood disorder. Color therapy also suggests the unproven idea that warm colors like yellow and orange could also help with this.
• To boost your energy: Colors such as red and yellow are believed to boost your energy and make you more motivated.
The Best Online Therapy Programs We've tried, tested and written unbiased reviews of the best online therapy programs including Talkspace, Betterhelp, and Regain.
Things to Consider
While the premise of color therapy is that certain colors elicit specific emotions from most people, this isn't always the case. Human beings are unique. The effects of certain colors on people may range from person to person. Colors most people might find calming or soothing might be anxiety-inducing or depressing to others.
How to Deal With Stress Insomnia
How to Get Started
While the science behind color therapy is still largely unsubstantiated, it’s completely harmless to practice certain aspects of color therapy on your own. Here are some ways you can get started with experimenting with color therapy:
• Get rid of blue lights at nighttime for better sleep. Research has shown that the blue light in your laptops, phones, and televisions can affect your circadian rhythm, which affects your sleep quality. Wearing anti-blue light glasses or turning the settings on your gadgets to warmer yellow tones has been found to help. 2
• Bask in nature. The greens of leaves and grass we get in abundance in nature can positively relax us.3
• Be intentional about color choices. When picking colors for anything, from the color of the walls in your room to the color of clothes you wear, choose colors that you find stimulating or elicit positive emotions.
It’s important to reiterate that color therapy doesn’t serve as a definitive treatment for any mental or physical health conditions. If you are experiencing a condition such as depression, it’s important to speak to your doctor about it.
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Some homes attract visitors while some homes repel. Wondering why you hardly have visitors come around, why some get to your doorsteps and pretend to be just passing, though they initially planned to visit and stay with you for a while. You also wonder why others receive guests while you hardly get guests come around. People, even relatives, go elsewhere near you to lodge when they come to town and simply say "hello" to you on their way leaving town. You ask some to visit you at home and they give excuses why they cannot come, though they visit homes near you and stay over for days. You visit people, but they hardly come visit. Your home is always lonely and lack company. The following might be the reasons.
1. Your house is always dirty. People might not know how to tell you or might not want to embarrass you with such remarks. They simply avoid your home. Adjust. Let pee and poo stay in the toilet bowl and please flush. Make your restroom good for guests. Clean it regularly. Anyone can turn up suddenly. Let your living room be free of clutters, clothes, odours, smells, urine, left over plates and food, crumbs, free of insects and lice lest your guests get bitten and flee. Your living room is very important even if you live in a room apartment, make it as clean as possible. Always realise guests may come in at any time, be it relatives or others; make it look good enough for them to always wish to come back. I once had some guests, family though, inform me they were coming to town and will stay over for two or three days. I did not take it for granted that they were family. I cleaned up the guest room thoroughly including curtains and windows. I removed clutters and freed up space for them to sit and move around. All bed sheets were washed, nothing biting them on the bed. I placed lights and got new bulb. In case no power, I got battery lamp in place and placed new batteries in them. Bathroom and toilet were made appealing to the best I could do. I stocked the house with food so they have variety to choose from. I did my best with my small house and the little resources I had to make it as welcoming as possible. Such guests will always come back if they have the chance.
2. Stop handling your home with the "only me" mindset. Some scatter stuffs everywhere and leave no space for guests. Your home is repelling. You run it as if it is meant for only you, that is why you have no guests come around and non wants to live with you. Always remember, it is not only for you, anyone may come visit anytime, you must always be ready. Keep dirty clothes away from visitors view. Inner wears stay in your wardrobe, not scatterred in the living room or guest rooms. Always remember not everyone is brought up the way you were, adjust. You might add some flowers here and there and always ensure your house is well ventilated, no trapped odours that could drive guests away.
3. When shopping, buy extra food items or refreshments in case guests turn up suddenly. Most guests might not eat or drink, but best to always have something to offer just in case someone comes around. When offering refreshments, appear cheerful and not reluctant. Such attitude is a turn off for guests. They notice and will start avoiding your house.
4. If you can afford it, have the TV on or music playing for the pleasure of guests. If you cannot afford it, do only what you can. They will understand. Don't start hiding your TV remote control when guests are around, it is bad manners. If you are managing your TV subscription due to funds, kindly explain to them before turning off the TV, they will understand.
5. Make conversation around the interest of your guests and not just yours. Let them discuss what they enjoy, not offensive to you though. Create a happy and laughter environment. Let their stay be fun.
6. Don't start loading your guests with stories of personal woes and troubles. If discussion gets round to that and they show concern, then you can tell them your troubles if you trust then enough, if not, just entertain them and let them go.
7. Reciprocate visits as often as you can.
There are homes you enjoy going to and there are those you avoid, make yours one of those guests like visiting or staying over at. Make needed adjustments and get rid of loneliness.
(C) Tosin Oke
Salad Exploration
The truth is, eat all the good food you may afford to wisely eat in this world before you finally depart. You see, all you acquire as assets you will eventually leave behind for others to enjoy, that which you use while here is your portion. Whatever good stuffs you get while here, howbeit in a good way (I never advocate wickedness or greed), enjoy it while you last here without depriving others of theirs, ruining yourself or going into any acts of wickedness.
One of the finest dishes I have seen is what some named salad. Actually, salad has no fixed recipe, you may explore with diverse options : vegetables, roots, protein, fruits, seasonings, condiments, etc, the options are open. It affords you a meal that combines loads of vitamins, fibre and all other good things you get from good food combined into one dish. I call it a good health dish, natural. No processing nor heating, nutrients fully preserved. I do it once in a while, but in a limited manner thus far, my recent research has made me broaden my scope. My next preparation will expand it to other stuffs. Hope I will have a new refrigerator and better power source before then (disposed of my old refrigerator for some reasons). I even saw one where they added well prepared pasta, baked beans, sweet corn, chicken, vegetables, tomato, Heinz, etc, guess I will soon try that one. Some even added fried potato and other stuffs. My only experience the last time I tried a dish that combines two, three or more types of food is the way it digests; you better take lots of water since the digestion process takes a while and will demand much water. Each digest in its own way. Ensure the food are complementary and not contradictory lest they resist or react against one another in your stomach giving you constipation or other complications. Here are some nice dishes of salad you may explore. Click on the images below for expanded view.
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𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔
It is in your best interest to have more friends than enemies. Simple common sense; friends help, enemies destroy. To advance in life you must have help, no one goes far without goodwill from those who know you and those who don't. To have many who like you and are always willing to help you or do whatever they can to make your plans succeed makes succeeding in life easy. The more the friends, the easier life is. Friendship is good networking for success. You combine resources, complement one another and rise faster in life. If many hate and despise you, success will be difficult for you. Unfortunately, many make more enemies than friends because of mistakes they make in relationships. Good motivation teachings must address this error. Take note of the following tips on making friends, it will aid your success in life.
1. Help people anyway you can in a sincere manner. Some might not appreciate it, some might be indifferent to your help; never mind, the good ones, might be few in number, will eventually reciprocate. When you are selfish and cannot go out of your way to help, people will despise you, when you call for help, they might not respond.
2. Learn to overlook simple offences. Don't be petty, always getting offended over minor issues. You must know people will make sincere mistakes, just as you do too. If you take offence over all issues, your friendship will reduce and enemies will increase. Just watch out for the deliberate wicked ones and avoid them. As you and friends offend one another and forgive one another, it strengthens your bond, with time you will get to understand one another. Petty and irritable people drive people away instead of attracting them. When you just start relationship with people, you might not understand one another initially, but as you stick to one another in love and mutual adjustment, your friendship will eventually blossom.
3. Keep people's secrets. When you divulge people's secrets, they will run from you. Enemies will increase.
4. Always reciprocate good things others do for you. One of the things that suffocate friendship is when you are always demanding, receiving but give nothing back. When they give to you or help you, do same for them too. It strengthens your bond. If you do not reciprocate, people will soon get tired of helping you and begin to avoid you. Reciprocating helps them to do more.
5. Be positively outgoing. Visit people as often as you can, go with gifts if you can. Don't just sit in your house expecting people to always come looking for you. They will soon stop coming and you will be left alone.
6. Don't deliberately hurt people, you will breed enemies against yourself.
7. Stop saying bad things about people, gossiping them and spreading bad stories about them, you will make enemies against yourself.
8. Reduce violence. Violent people scare people away. No one feels comfortable around violent people.
9. Learn to entertain guests to the best of your ability. Simple refreshments for guests can work wonders.
10. Never be the type that turns up only when you need help. Never allow people to get convinced that the only reason you call or visit is to collect. That is bad PR. It will eventually drive help from you.
11. Remember, you never know when you will need someone's help, therefore make positive deposits in people's lives through kind words and acts, even when you need nothing from them at the moment, might be useful the day you really need their help.
12. Stop insisting on always having your way; you can't always be right. Accommodate other people's wish that will not hurt you. Two of you are on a trip, you wish to take the left route, your partner wish to take the right route, since both will lead to the same destination, once in a while, let them have their way. Strongly opinionated people who does not care about others and their opinions, but everyone must always do whatever they say cannot keep friends for long.
13. Things happen and you might eventually have to part ways from some people, this can often not be stopped. When such happens, don't go about revealing the secrets they kept with you while the going was good between the two of you. You never know the future. Things go round. When you develop such a reputation that when you part ways with people you take them to the cleaners, people with start getting cautious around you, this will not help you.
14. When you borrow money or things, return them. This is very important. Never take people's kindness for granted. Borrowing and not repaying will drive helpers away. Friends will reduce.
15. Keep your words and always fulfil your promises. It builds trust and strengthens friendship. No one stays long around promise breakers and those whose words cannot be relied upon.
16. Stop telling lies, it is bad PR.
17. Keep to time. Don't always keep others waiting due to your habitual lateness, they will soon delete you from important events knowing your lateness will mess things up for them. Friendship will reduce and ties will break.
18. Keep away from the enemies of your good friends who have always stood by you. When you court the friendship of the enemies of those who truly love you and sincerely help you, they feel betrayed and begin to hate you.
19. When your friends quarrel, be a good friend and go out of your way to settle their differences. Be known as a peacemaker. Do not aggravate the situation by making it worse. Once friends know you will always bring peace, they love you the more.
20. Now be a good friend. Reach me here and let's chat
Copyright Tosin Oke
The boredom of same level over years says "step up". The fatigue of staying at the same spot says "step up". The dullness of monotony says "step up". Change level, acquire new status, experience new levels, higher taste, touch and taste new things. That is the tonic of life, nothing exhilarating in staying at the same spot over years, it becomes boring over time and takes the fun out of life. Imagine eating the same meal each day, even at a point your body will reject it. Movement is the best form of exercise. Until you experience change you will not feel the gusto of a new level. Go up, Rise, STEP UP !
1. Visualise the change you want, the new level you wish.
2. Know what it will take to get there.
3. Be ready to make necessary personal sacrifices for good to reach the new level you desire.
4. Go for it.
Rising is like climbing the ladder, you must take the next step up, a step at a time. Acquire that education. Learn that new business. Make that investment. Start saving towards your goal. Change business environment if need be. Change limiting character people have warned you about. Increase your trade, move from having one store to two, three, four, etc. Do something good for those you know can help you, build goodwill with good people; you need them to rise. Stop running from the challenges that stagnate, face it. You must make that daring move. Organise that programme and show your skills, someone might notice. Speak to yourself positively. Hold your head and say to it repeatedly, "I will rise, I will make that move, I will overcome....".
I dare you to change level. Run !
(c) Tosin Oke
When you really sit to figure out this life, if you think deep, you will realise that peace, rest and health are the best.
These are the most scarce commodities. Do not mistake the apparent calm you see in many places as rest. Mind you, wealth does not guarantee rest and peace. Some wealthy live in fear, insecure and always look over their shoulders. The peace and rest I speak of are inner qualities of a state of mind free of fear, insecurity and the fear of retribution. These, no money can buy, if you lack them, your apparent comfort becomes a dungeon. Oh, the wonder of lying down and resting in bliss. You have no care, you are at peace with yourself and with others. This is bliss. Access to this bliss is determined by many factors, some you have no control over. Pray to GOD to help you in that area. The ones you have control over : your values, your relationships, your manner of speech and conduct, your choices, etc, are things you can control to ensure you maintain the inner peace and rest you need. Weigh everything you do on the scale of peace, rest and health, throw the excess load away and keep your rest, peace and health. Opportunities to lose your peace, rest and sound health will always come: quarrels, revenge, anger, crave for what is not yours, etc, reject them all. Many offers will rob you of peace, rest and health; reject them all, just as I always do. Accept only the good offers that will not rob you of peace, rest and health. Instead of losing your peace and rest, overlook things that can bring them. Forgive. Stop overstretching, you will suffocate your inner peace and rest. Do not engage in financial dealings that will strip you of sleep. If it is not consistent with peace, rest and good health, throw it away. Opportunities to get angry come my way daily, but I overlook many. This is not because I am a fool, but I know lack of inner peace and rest kills faster than many things. Everywhere I go, I try smiling. Each day, I try making friends. The simple truth is this, before you were born, even before your great ancestors came to the world, this world has been a mess and will remain a mess until the end of this totally messed up world. You cannot change it. I am a leader, and have been a leader for many years. My experience has shown me a perfect person does not exist. I know this, this is why I try my best to keep improving daily. I have seen flaws show up suddenly in people, most times reactions to certain seen and unseen stimuli, all these are the constants of life we must live with. If you do not understand that each day will throw at you loads of surprises even in people you cherish, if you do not understand that vulgarity, coarseness, lies, cheating, coldness, etc, are things you will meet daily everywhere you go and you react in anger or vengeance to all these things, bottle them up in your mind or always determine to 'hit them back'; you will exhaust your supply of inner peace and rest. Your body will eventually manifest it and you will die very fast. If you think there is any level you reach in this world that exempts you from insults even from those who shouldn't, you are deluded. Ask Presidents and rulers, they receive the most insults. Judges have their share too. People insult GOD daily. No one is exempted. Therefore, insulate, ignore, overlook, avoid, maintain, look at those things that could annoy you in people and tell yourself "I met the world this way and I will leave it this way" and keep smiling. Your fighting, anger, quarrels, hatred, bitterness, stone throwing, etc, won't change anyone. There are several other ways you can remedy unfavorable situations and still keep your peace; I try to take those other options. One of which is to pray about it, eat good food, lay my bed and go to sleep. Another option is to simply walk away. I once stopped at a roadside clothes store to look at a shirt. I asked the man selling it the price and he mentioned a very high price I couldn't afford. I had to go. As I moved on, he got angry at my refusal to buy and began releasing verbal missile of insults at me. I simply walked on. You get the point. Others have killed each other over such. Many have landed in prison or hospitals due to fights activated by such. They stopped to reply and fight. You met the world this way, you will leave it this way. Read your history books, nothing new. Maintain ! Another way to keep your inner peace and rest is to always be kind and good to people. Do not become what the world has become in your own space. When they are bad, they hurt themselves. Don't join them or act like them lest you hurt yourself too. When you are kind, loving and caring, you help yourself. Make your choice. If you cannot properly navigate this world, it will strip you of inner peace, rest and eventually health. You cannot control many things, but do your best with the ones you can control in your own space. Expect dissapointments, betrayals, etc, simply move on to other relationships. The good part is many who are nasty today, if given the chance will still get over their nasty habits and become your best pals. Give people chance, they can still change for better and many do. You may have your own bad side too, though you have a sincere mind; the most important thing. What if people have written you off too ? They gave you a chance and you forged ahead. A sincere person at heart might make mistakes today, even insult you, but with time, he or she will outgrow it if given the chance. Same for you too. When such persons eventually outgrow it and realise how you tolerated them, they will love you for it. They always end up as those most faithful to you. Smile. Be happy. Have fun. Be content. Sleep well. Your life here in this world is brief, it will soon be over. Insulate ! Create your own space of peace and rest. You can never change this world. It will all end one day, says the Bible. Yes, eat well too.
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